
Here’s some examples of what Grafl can do...

1. Choropleth (Orthographic projection)

Population per country for 2020. Data source: The World Bank

2. Choropleth (subplots)

3. Choroplethmapbox

The following Mapbox styles don't require an access token: white-bg, carto-darkmatter, carto-positron, open-street-map, stamen-terrain, stamen-toner, stamen-watercolor. Population data is sourced from Worldometers and geojson data is provided by geojson-xyz.

4. Scattermapbox

5. Scattermapbox (bubble)

6. Scattermapbox (air quality)

The following scattermapbox shows locations of air quality monitoring stations in York (UK) and uses the stamen-terrain style. The original data can be found at York open data.

7. Scattergeo