We don’t have currently have an extensive list of Terms of use at this point in time. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind when using Grafl.
You must not:
- use Grafl for intimidation, harassment or hate
- use Grafl to infringe on the rights of others
- use Grafl for unsolicited junk or spam mailings, or unlawful purposes
- use Grafl in a way that could overwhelm or compromise it for other users
- sell, resell or distribute access to the Grafl service
- copy or mirror any part of the Grafl service
- attempt to reverse engineer the Grafl service
- remove the Made with Grafl.io label from plots without gaining permission from the Grafl team
...and finally, enjoy Grafl responsibly...and be nice!
If you are aware of infringement of these terms please feel free to contact us.